Monday, April 26, 2010

Homeless? There's always the HUV.

The month of May has been extremely busy! Many wonderful events and charity galas, but just not enough time to cover them all. One in particular deserves a larger mention. On April 22, 2010, I had the pleasure of witnessing the HUV Project Launch in New York City. The event served as the initial fundraising effort for these 'Homeless Utility Vehicles'. These cart-like, weather resistant mobile devices are wonderful shelters for those that are homeless. These HUV carts were originally created to assist with the fundamental needs of the homeless in America. However, given the immediate crisis facing the 1.5 million Haitian survivors- the events overseas have overshadowed the initial agenda of the HUV Project.

After chatting with HUV's Founder, Stephen Mills, I can assure everyone that these devices are built to last. He himself spent many nights sleeping in his creation. It's surely a step up for someone that's currently sleeping on the rugged city streets. If faced with homelessness, I can easily see these as being a more comfortable upgrade from the park bench or alley. The added mobility and protection from severe weather conditions makes HUV very practical. Given the recent tragic events overseas, I'd think that anything providing shelter to those in need of it would be deemed a blessing. I can see these HUV devices providing a huge benefit to those that need the help. No one deserves to be homeless, but everyone that is facing this situation deserves proper shelter.

With approximately 744,000 homeless people in America, the HUV is both a functional design concept and a provocative display of activism. The HUV is a personal shelter in the form of a vehicle that can be used by those experiencing homelessness. The vehicle is intended for the individual who has chosen not to take advantage of local community shelters. The vehicle is not a cure for homelessness, but rather a transitional housing for those currently experiencing homelessness. (Excerpt courtesy of: www.The